About the standups

OpportunityLabs is a new thing that hasn’t existed before. So we can’t tell you how the standups currently work, but we can tell you about how we’ll design and execute them as businesses join the collective.

  • They are group standups, not 1:1 with Philip.
  • We’re serious about the 15 minute (or less) length.
  • If any given standup becomes large enough that it can’t run effectively in 15m or less, then we’ll split it into 2 groups.
  • Because Philip runs the standups, work-hours time zone coverage from Pacific time zone to Central European Time is all we can guarantee.
  • Philip will be rigorous about asking that you move any problemsolving or discussion of blockers that surfaces during a standup to a 1:1 consulting session with him to keep the standups focused on reporting on execution and to maximize the quality of that problemsolving work.
  • To make sure all members can attend at least one weekly standup, there will be 2 or 3 standups/week you can choose from among (unless the scheduling gods smile on us in an unusual way in which case we will start with fewer standups).
  • We’ll use Slack audio huddles to hold the standups.
  • Once the standup operations and culture are well-established, Philip may increase time zone coverage by delegating running one or more standups to someone else who works in a more eastern time zone and who is interested in doing this work.

Are there any guarantees?

  • Philip will run the OpportunityLabs collective as described above for at least 1 year from the date of your joining. Until this offering demonstrates growth potential, that’s all the length of service we can guarantee.
  • If you’re “on the fence” about the OpportunityLabs approach/framework, no guarantee is going to help. If you’re “bought into” the approach but the price feels too risky for you, ask Philip about a 1-month no-risk trial period when you meet with him to discuss joining. Use the form above to set up a call and mention your interest in this trial period during the call.

What is “offer design”?

Offer design is working to maximize the value that your services offer the market and minimize waste or over-delivery. Some of this is an up-front design exercise, and some of it is an over-time optimization effort. The up-front design work is driven by questions like these:

  • Do clients understand what value your services deliver and how to buy them?
  • Do clients need a low-risk way to do a paid trial of working with you?
  • What risk-reducers could you bundle with your services in order to provide a more valuable and complete solution?
  • Is there a naturally-ocurring client lifecycle that your services should be designed around?

There are other relevant questions, but hopefully you can see the kind of thinking happening during the service design work that OpportunityLabs will help you with.